
Table of Contents for Programming Languages: a survey

Chapter : efficiency

initializing things once:

e.g. in C++, if you have:

class A { public: A(int sz) { sz_ = sz; v = new B[sz_]; } ~A() { delete v; } ...private: ... B * v; int sz_; };

then sz_ is first implicitly initialized to its default value (0), and then it is set to sz in a second step.

But if you instead define the constructor as:

A(int sz) : v(new B[sz]), sz_(sz) {}

then sz_ will only be assigned to once.

chapter: low-level constructs




e.g. "direct memory addressing"

and pointer arithmetic

control of actual representation of data structures

sequence points

In C, code like "int a = 41; a = a++" apparently compiles but leaves 'a' in an undefined state because "you can only update a variable once between sequence points" or it becomes undefined, but on many compilers works anyway. A sequence point is "a point in the program's execution sequence where all previous side effects SHALL have taken place and all subsequent side-effects SHALL NOT have taken place". the above paragraph are my words outside of quotes; quotes are from