
Table of Contents for Programming Languages: a survey

Chapter : numbers and arithmetic

the mathematical number type hierarchy

the C number type hierarchy


integer arithmetic

floating point arithmetic:

IEEE754 1985, 2008 (see also C 2011, ISO/IEC 9899:201x)

fixed point arithmetic:

decimal arithmetic

rational arithmetic

interval arithmetic:

common operations


addition, subtraction

multiplication, division

bitwise OR, AND, XOR

exponentiation, log, sqrt often library fns

subtraction is binary but negation is unary

often the symbol - is used in two ways: a - b for subtraction, but -b for the negation of b (e.g. if b is 3, then -b is -3)

this irregularity can be vexing. e.g. in Haskell, the expression "abs -3" is parsed as "abs (-) 3" and you have to write "abs (-3)". some languages use another character for one of subtraction or negation, e.g. ML uses ~ (tilde) for unary negation.

common syntax



traditional precedence

undefined results in integer arithmetic

divide by zero

Zero to the zeroth power

There is some disagreement in mathematics whether the result of 0^0 should be one, or undefined. IEEE754 2008 defines various different functions for exponentiation: pow, pown (integers), powr (reals). pow gives 0^0 = 1. pown gives 0^0 = 1. powr gives 0^0 = nan.

In many langauges and platforms (e.g. C, Python, Java, Octave, C++, .NET), 0^0 returns 1. (cite )

integer overflow

if your integers are stored as fixed-size fields in memory, you have the possibility of getting a result that is too large to fit in that memory field.

at least six ways to deal with this:


matrics as linear operations vs. 'matrices' as just multidimensional arrays